Waqrapukara represents one of the best alternatives for those travelers thirsty for new experiences in incredibly beautiful destinations in the heart of the Andes. We know that all globetrotters are in search of new sensations that are out of the traditional or common. For all of them, Waqrapukara opens its way as a new tourist destination of pristine landscapes with impressive mountains that will be a delight for your eyes. The charms of Waqrapukara are not only the incredible mountains that jealously guard it, but also the incredible high Andean wild flora of the place.
The archeological complex of Waqrapukara is located 116 km southeast of Cusco, between the districts of Pomacanchi, Acos, and Sangarará. In fact, territorially, it belongs to the district of Acos, province of Acomayo and department of Cusco. The privileged location allows it to remain intact for hundreds of years and today is a listed destination for adventure and scenic beauty.
The altitude of Waqrapukara is not as low but as high as the Colored Mountain, it is at an altitude of approximately 4140 meters above sea level.
The word Waqrapukara comes from the Quechua word Waqra which would be "horn" and pukara "fortress" and the combination of these two words would be horn fortress. But, according to local tradition, this archaeological site was called Llamapukara, because of the resemblance of its structure to the head of a llama.
During the time of the Inca culture there were several types or styles of construction and this depended on its importance and what its function would be. In fact, the style of construction was adapted to the place and the landscape environment of the area. Waqrapukara shows more than three types of construction and the ones that stand out most in its buildings are the following. The rustic or common "pircado" style and the cellular style. There are also double and triple jamb entrances where it is shown that the Incas developed to perfection the carving of the rocks.
Also, you can see the imperial Inca style, it was a type of construction where the Incas developed engineering and architecture to perfection. They are constructions of excellent finishes where it is not possible to introduce any type of object no matter how thin or fine it may be.
In these constructions there were many aspects to take into account such as symmetry, width, length and finally the perfection of the pairing of each rock. The most outstanding feature of Waqrapukara are the perfect constructions on the edge of the cliffs and the question is how they were able to adapt them in this way.
In the archaeological complex of Waqrapukara you can see pre-Inca and Inca constructions, so it means that it has been built in several stages and periods. In this place there were pre-Inca settlements such as the "qanchis", to whom is attributed the basis of the construction of Waqrapukara. Later, Wayna Qhapaq arrived to the site, and it was during his period of government that a large part of the archaeological complex was finally built. And finally who also intervenes is Ttito Q'osñipa that was his place of resistance and refuge who fought against the Inca army during his uprising.
The first settlements that were established in this place came from the Apurimac valley. The first constructions in this place were rustic houses and were occupied as dwellings. Later, when the Incas arrived in these places in their eagerness to look for new lands, they used the bases of the constructions as foundations. And then modify much of the construction to take the form that exists today.
In fact, the place after the modifications becomes an Inca fortress. The fortress of Waqrapukara was embellished with platforms and in each entrance to the platforms there are double and triple jamb doors. These constructions were the most advanced of their time and the most sophisticated. To tell the truth, this was not only a sacred place but also an administrative and control place, it also fulfilled the function of protection.
The degree of difficulty will depend a lot on the route you are going to take to visit the archaeological complex of Waqrapukara. In fact, there are routes of easy access (moderate) and others of difficult access, the same ones that are considered to be hard. The moderate routes are short and flat, while those of strong grade are uphill with winding roads. At the same time, you should consider the altitude of the site since the archeological complex is located above 4000 meters above sea level.
The climate of Waqrapukara corresponds to that of the high Andean zones, which are characterized by two distinct seasons (rainy season and dry season). The rainy season usually begins in the months of October and November and lasts until April. January and February are the rainiest months and it is not advisable to travel during this time of the year.
Likewise, the dry season starts in April and lasts until September or October. In fact, this time of the year is characterized by sunny and clear days and temperatures that exceed 22 degrees Celsius. This time of the year is considered the best time to visit the archaeological complex of Waqrapukara.
The Waqrapukara festival is a cultural activity promoted every year by the local government of the district of Acos. The purpose is to revalue the folkloric encounters and put the Waqrapukara archeological park in the tourist showcase. The activities of the festival consist of staging the legendary Qanchis resistance against the Inca Wayna Qapaq. The act is divided into several scenes and is accompanied with the best of the typical dances of the area. In fact, the festivity is animated by the locals and is a delight for all visitors.
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Lunes a Viernes: 8:00 - 20:00
Sabados: 8:00 - 13:00
Domingos: Cerrado