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Cusco Tourist Ticket 2024

Cusco Tourist Ticket is the only document that will allow you to visit the most important tourist attractions such as museums, archaeological sites
Cusco Tourist Ticket 2024

The Cusco Tourist Ticket is the only document that will allow you to visit the most important tourist attractions such as museums, archaeological sites and more in the city of Cusco. How much does it cost? Where do they sell this ticket? and How long is the ticket valid? everything you should know about the Cusco Tourist Ticket. Your visit to Cusco should not have any improvisation and here we leave you very important information that you should know to not have any problem during your visit to Cusco. Learn all the information about the Tourist Ticket Cusco 2024 below.

What is the Cusco Tourist Ticket?

The Cusco Tourist Ticket, is also known as BTC Cusco. The Cusco Tourist Ticket will allow you to access 16 of the most popular tourist attractions located in and around the city of Cusco. This admission document is administered by the Committee of Integrated Cultural Tourist Services Cusco (COSITUC CUSCO).

There are also partial tickets that will allow you to enter these places separately. Below we will give you more details.

You should know that the entrance to Machu Picchu is not included in the Cusco Tourist Ticket.

What is COSITUC Cusco?

This entity is in charge of the collection, administration and distribution of the resources obtained from the sale of Cusco Tourist Tickets. It is formed by the Provincial Municipality of Cusco, the Regional Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Cusco (DIRCETUR), and the Decentralized Directorate of Culture of Cusco.

What places can I visit with the Cusco Tourist Ticket?

With the Cusco Tourist Ticket you can visit up to 16 archaeological sites including museums, a dance show, tourist attractions that are located within the city and around the city of Cusco such as:

  1. Sacsayhuaman.
  2. Qenqo.
  3. Tambomachay.
  4. Puca Pucara.
  5. Pisac.
  6. Ollantaytambo.
  7. Chinchero.
  8. Moray.
  9. Tipon.
  10. Piquillacta.
  11. Museum of Contemporary Art.
  12. Qoricancha Site Museum.
  13. Inca Pachacutec Monument Museum.
  14. Qosqo Native Art Center (Dance Show).
  15. Regional Historical Museum.
  16. Museum of Popular Art.

However, the number of places to visit will vary according to the type of ticket you buy and the time you have available for your trip to the city of Cusco. With the general tourist ticket you will be able to visit all the tourist attractions mentioned above. While, with the partial tourist ticket you will only be able to visit some of these places.

Classification of the Cusco Tourist Ticket

The Cusco Tourist Ticket is classified into four types of tickets:

General Cusco Tourist Ticket

Also known as Cusco integral tourist ticket or Cusco general tourist ticket. It is the most important ticket because it allows entry to 16 tourist sites in the Cusco region: Chinchero, Monument to the Inca Pachacutec, Moray, Museum of Contemporary Art, Qorikancha Site Museum, Regional Historical Museum, Ollantaytambo, Piquillacta, Pisac, Puca Pucara, Qenqo, Sacsayhuaman, Tambomachay, Tipon, Qosqo Center of Native Art and the Museum of Popular Art.

This Cusco entrance ticket is valid for 10 calendar days from the day of purchase. This ticket is subdivided:

Cusco Tourist Ticket for Foreign Tourists

  • Comprehensive Cusco Tourist Ticket for adult foreign tourists(BTCI). Valid for any adult foreign tourist who is credited with his passport or original identification document.
  • Integral Cusco Tourist Ticket for foreign students (BEE). This ticket is only valid for foreign students, not older than 25 years old, who identify themselves with their updated student card or international student card (the card must be valid for the current year).

Cusco Tourist Ticket for National Tourists

  • Boleto Turístico del Cusco Integral for Peruvian tourists(BIN). This ticket is only valid for adult Peruvian national tourists who identify themselves with their original national identity card (DNI).
  • Integral Cusco Tourist Ticket for national students (BEN). This general promotional ticket is valid only for students born in Peru and they must identify themselves with their student card (if they are high school students) and the DNI (if they are elementary or high school students).

Cusco Partial Tourist Ticket

The Cusco Partial Ticket is valid for 1 or 2 days. It allows the entrance to some tourist attractions that are grouped within a tourist circuit of interest. This partial ticket does not apply for national or foreign students, nor does it apply for national or foreign minors.

Partial tourist tickets are divided into three types:

The Cusco Partial Tourist Ticket Sacsayhuaman - Circuit I.

This ticket will allow you to visit archaeological sites that are 20 minutes away from the historic center of Cusco, specifically in the archaeological park of Sacsayhuaman such as: Sacsayhuaman, Qenqo, Tambomachay and Puca Pucara.

The Cusco Partial Tourist Ticket Sacsayhuaman - Circuit I
The Cusco Partial Tourist Ticket Sacsayhuaman - Circuit I

The Cusco Partial Tourist Ticket Cusco City and South Valley - Circuit II.

This ticket will allow you to visit tourist attractions located in the historic center of the city of Cusco and in the South Valley of Cusco: Regional Historical Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, Site Museum of Qorikancha, Museum Monument to the Inca Pachacutec and Archaeological Park of Tipon and Piquillacta.

The Cusco Partial Tourist Ticket Cusco City and South Valley - Circuit II
The Cusco Partial Tourist Ticket Cusco City and South Valley - Circuit II

The Cusco Partial Sacred Valley Tourist Ticket - Circuit III.

This ticket will allow you to visit archaeological attractions located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas: Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Chinchero and Moray (Full day Sacred Valley Tour).

The Cusco Partial Sacred Valley Tourist Ticket - Circuit III
The Cusco Partial Sacred Valley Tourist Ticket - Circuit III

How much does the Cusco Tourist Ticket Cost?

The price of the Cusco tourist ticket has a value in Soles (PEN - PERU), per person. It has a differentiated rate for both domestic and foreign tourists:

Price for Foreign Tourist 2024:

Integral Ticket CuscoS/ 130.00S/ 70.00
Partial Circuit Ticket IS/ 70.00S/ 70.00
Partial Circuit Ticket IIS/ 70.00S/ 70.00
Partial Circuit Ticket IIIS/ 70.00S/ 70.00

Price for National Tourist 2024:

AdultStudent (10-17)(University) 18-25Adult>60
Integral Ticket CuscoS/ 70.00S/ 40.00S/ 40.00S/ 40.00
Partial Circuit Ticket IS/ 40.00S/ 40.00S/ 40.00S/ 40.00
Partial Circuit Ticket IIS/ 40.00S/ 40.00S/ 40.00S/ 40.00
Partial Circuit Ticket IIIS/ 40.00S/ 40.00S/ 40.00S/ 40.00

Note: People with disabilities are exempt from paying the Cusco tourist ticket, upon presentation of their CONADIS card.

Where to buy the Cusco Tourist Ticket?

You must keep in mind that the Cusco Tourist Ticket is not sold through the COSITUC website, the purchase is personal and you can buy it at the following addresses and times:

The main Counter is located at Av. El Sol 103 Galerias Turísticas. From Monday to Sunday from 08:00 - 18:00 Hrs.

You can also buy it at the entrance of each of the tourist attractions included in the Tourist Ticket (except for the Museum of Contemporary Art and Pachacutec Monument) Monday to Sunday from 08:00 - 18:00 Hrs.

Tips and Recommendations to keep in mind

  • You must take into account some details about the Tourist Ticket that are very important:
  • The Tourist Ticket can not be purchased via internet, you can only buy them at authorized points and the purchase is personal.
  • The Tourist Ticket does not include guide or mobility in any attraction that is included in the ticket, you can only access the tourist attraction with your original ticket along with your passport or original document for one time.
  • Children up to 9 years of age are exempt from the entrance fee. And minors from 10 to 17 years of age are entitled to purchase a student tourist ticket.
  • Visitors from the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) do not have any discount.
  • The tourist ticket does not tend to sell out.



We are a Peruvian Agency with Cusco roots, committed to providing you with unique tourism experiences. With our own transportation and a team of dedicated professionals, we aim to show you the best of Peru.


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We are not just a travel agency; we are a passionate and dedicated family that prides itself on creating extraordinary experiences in one of the most fascinating destinations in the world: Peru.

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Company Name: Andino Turísmo en Peru E.I.R.L

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 URB. Villa San Blas L-C8-Cusco, Perú

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